Jesus is Coming!

“I don’t know when Jesus is coming back. I’m not on the planning committee. I’m on the welcoming committee.” My part is to love Jesus, love others and walk in His commands! He’s coming back folks and I intend to be ready! How about you?!

By Melissa Garrison October 28, 2021 Off

Why Win Them Over?

You worth is not measured by your productivity. So stop trying to earn the world’s approval…some people will love you, some will like you and some wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire. So why are you trying to win them over?

By Melissa Garrison October 27, 2021 Off

Make a Difference

“Most big transformations come about from the hundreds of tiny, almost imperceptible, steps we take along the way.” Losing 100 pounds starts with one ounce. Graduating from college starts with the first class. Making a huge difference in the lives of multitudes starts with making a difference in the life of one person.

By Melissa Garrison October 14, 2021 Off

You Have Purpose

You have your purpose on this planet and in this universe. It could be something small or something huge. But there’s no difference in importance. It’s just what you were placed here to do.

By Melissa Garrison October 11, 2021 Off