Don’t Pick it Up
When someone spews something really hurtful…don’t pick it up. Don’t hold onto it or toss it around in your mind. Decide right now that you refuse to let it define who you are. Some people just say mean stupid stuff. Just because they throw mud at you doesn’t mean you have to let it stick. Keep moving forward!
Just Like You
Everybody has a chapter in their own lives that they don’t read out loud….everybody has secrets, things they don’t want the world to know. So the next time you see somebody who looks like they have it all together and their life is perfect, just know that you’ve only “seen” what they want you to see. They are just like you.
Instant Gratification
Discipline is choosing between what you want NOW and what you want most. {Abraham Lincoln} Too many people want immediate gratification so they never reach what they really want long term. What do your want?
You Can’t Fix Some People
You can’t fix someone who doesn’t want to be fixed, but you can ruin your life trying. I’m talking to someone out there. You can support them, encourage them, threaten them or buy them out of situations in their life. But the bottom line is this. Until they are ready, it won’t do you any good. They will take you down with them.
I Will, I Can
Stop saying I wish. Start saying I will. No more saying I can’t. Start saying I can. You can overcome anything the enemy throws at you AND that includes those negative thoughts that go through your head. Start looking and speaking positive over yourself. Believe in yourself! Jesus is waiting to help you through!
God’s Timing
When it’s not in God’s time, you can’t force it. When it IS in God’s time, you can’t stop it. So settle down and wait upon the Lord. No more trying to run ahead of Him or jiggling the door knob.