You Have Value
Just because someone can’t see your worth doesn’t decrease your value. You may have been told you are worthless, unwanted, a loser, but think about this. What kind of person would say something unkind like that? Says a whole lot about them, not you. Keep on moving forward and know that you have value.
Bad Days, Good Life
Don’t let your bad days trick you into thinking you have a bad life. We tend to focus on the negative or the bad. But even on the worst day, there are glimpses of good. One bad day doesn’t make a bad life. It’s just a speed bump along the way. So look for the goodness of God because it’s there!
More or Less
Do you ever feel like you should want more, but you really don’t? You want less. You want less of everything…less clutter, less hurrying, less stress, less drama, less noise. All you want is simplicity and that my friend, will take you to peace and quiet in your daily life. So go ahead and say no to more and yes to less!
Quit that!!
Quit putting yourself down. You are God’s masterpiece! I didn’t say that. He did! You were created to do the work He had planned for you before the beginning of time. Can you imagine the time He took creating you exactly the way He had planned? The Word says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. I believe it!
No Mistakes
Wouldn’t it be great to walk through life and never make a mistake? Never fail or flounder in the middle of a situation? Fall of the wagon? The good news is that mistakes are proof that you’re trying. So if you make a mistake, get up, dust yourself off and know that tomorrow is a new day. The only way a mistake is really a mistake is if we stop dead in our tracks and give up.