Plant in Faith
Mary tucked the words of the Lord in her heart and did not doubt. She didn’t tell the neighbors or anybody and everybody that would pull her down spiritually. We can’t let others take what God has placed in our heart. So, don’t dig up in doubt what you planted in faith. Keep it tucked deep down inside.
Jesus Heals Memories
The sting of your hurts may be gone, but sometimes the memory remains. Don’t let it eat at you or cause you to “stop living.” God wants to heal you completely. No left-over pain! God heals both the pain and the memory if you let Him.
Stop Waiting
“Stop waiting for Friday, for fall, for someone to fall in love with you, for life. Happiness comes when you stop waiting for it and make the most of the moment you are in right now.” Ask yourself…what makes you happy? A new candle, a quiet walk, a bath, eating in a restaurant, laughing with a friend? Find what makes you happy and make it happen!
Toxic People
I talk about toxic people quite often. I do that because so many people have allowed “toxics” in their lives and continue to let their bad behavior make their life miserable. What do toxic people do? They spread negativity, criticize you, and waste your time. They are jealous, play the victim, don’t care, are self-centered and continually disappoint you. Pray for them. Love them at a distance, but don’t allow them to make you miserable
Actions Speak Loud!
When what you hear, and what you see, don’t match, then trust your eyes when dealing with people. Anybody can SAY the words you want to hear…but keep your eye on their actions because, let’s face it, actions speak louder than words.