Author: Melissa Garrison


Butterflies can’t see their wings, but the rest of the world can! You are beautiful {handsome} and while you may not see it, we can. You are becoming what God called you to be.

By Melissa Garrison September 14, 2020 Off

Today is the Day

Today just may be the day to leave the pain of the past behind and look forward to the promise of tomorrow. When we continue to dwell on the hurt, re-play the painful memories and moments, and rehash the “what ifs and if only’s”, our lives are stuck in a place of pain. There are times we feel guilty moving forward. Other times, we fear living life without someone. You and I were created to live abundantly and to do that we have to believe that there are promises ahead just waiting for us to discover them! God is a God of healing and He is a God who gives us beauty for ashes. He’s waiting for you to take a step of faith and trust that He will take such good care of you on the next part of your journey.  

By Melissa Garrison September 9, 2020 Off

New Season Coming

”Don’t get discouraged in your current season. One season Ruth picked up leftovers in the field, the next season she owned it.” David was a shepherd in one season and a king in the next. Joseph was a prisoner in one season and the leader of a nation in another. Hang on folks…there’s a new season coming.

By Melissa Garrison September 6, 2020 Off

Right Word!

Sometimes the right word spoken at the right time fits just right into an empty place in your heart. Oh those wonderful people who hear the whisper of God in their heart and pass it on to someone who needs to be encouraged.

By Melissa Garrison August 27, 2020 Off

Find the Possible

If you don’t leave the norm, you’ll never find the “possible”. What’s holding you back from your dreams, your destiny, your future? You can be what God called you to be. His Holy Spirit is deep inside you ready to push you forward, but you have to take the first step.

By Melissa Garrison July 30, 2020 Off