Author: Melissa Garrison

Take Hold of Your Thoughts

What a difference a day can make! You THOUGHT it was the end of the world. You THOUGHT you couldn’t make it one more step. You THOUGHT it could only get worse. And then tomorrow shows up and you find that the sun came up, you had the strength to take one more step and it wasn’t nearly as bad as you THOUGHT it would be. What have we learned here? Stop listening to your THOUGHTS! They certainly aren’t helping!

By Melissa Garrison October 14, 2020 Off

Take Thoughts Captive

“There’s nothing in this world that can trouble you more than your thoughts.” Those thoughts can cause you to worry, become discouraged, raise your blood pressure along with your temper, and worst of all, live way below what God has planned for you. Time to ditch those thoughts and begin to think about Him and everything that is true, honest, right, pure and lovely. Good thoughts will take you good places!!

By Melissa Garrison October 13, 2020 Off

You Are Better than This

Did you ever notice how many people will jump on the bandwagon when one person posts an ugly, unkind, hurtful message? They pile on heaps of hateful words and sit there satisfied and smiling at how clever they are…and how they have lots of other people who agree with them. Just because someone can spell out a message with their fingers doesn’t mean their brain is engaged. Don’t get caught up in ugly. It doesn’t look good on you.

By Melissa Garrison October 5, 2020 Off

Good Night’s Sleep

Who is depending on you? Kids, Grandkids, neighbors, parents, spouse? The list is endless and it often leaves us exhausted by the time the sun sets. This weekend, take a few minutes to thank God for strength, direction and another beautiful day….and for the good night’s sleep that’s right around the corner!

By Melissa Garrison September 30, 2020 Off

Choose Happiness

Happiness is not by chance, but by choice. Don’t make excuses why you can’t be happy today. Too often we wait…till we go on vacation, till we retire, till the kids leave the house, till our co-workers find another job. Nope! Change your attitude, change your life. When you wake up in the morning, determine to be happy all day long.

By Melissa Garrison September 30, 2020 Off

Missing Church

When you miss church enough, you will stop missing it at all. People need other people to encourage, listen, love and laugh with them. What an opportunity to minister to those around you! All you need to be successful is a caring heart and a listening ear. Pay attention. Holy Spirit will lead you to the right person. You will be so glad you did.

By Melissa Garrison September 20, 2020 Off