Author: Melissa Garrison

I Love You

Anybody can say “I love you”…just know that if they really love you, they won’t judge you, try to change you, manipulate you or try to convince you to do something you’re not comfortable with…love gives, encourages, cherishes, is patient and will always have your back! Pay attention and you can read their heart!

By Melissa Garrison November 16, 2020 Off

Hold Lightly

”God has invested entirely too much IN you for you to be comfortable being anything less than you were created to be”. So, get ready…if something or someone stands between you and God’s purpose for you, it will have to go. Hold lightly to the things of this world.

By Melissa Garrison November 11, 2020 Off

You are Unique

God created you to be unique, one of a kind down to the fingerprints on your hand. Just like no two snowflakes are the same, you were meant to be different. So march to the beat of your own drummer! Don’t let the naysayers slow you down. Live life YOUR way, the way God created you to be. Laugh out loud, dance like no one’s watching, look at life through the eyes of a child, take time to smell the roses…this is YOUR life. Make it count! Enjoy your uniqueness because God sure does!

By Melissa Garrison October 27, 2020 Off

Broken People

God uses broken people like you and me, to rescue broken people like you and me! If we all waited ‘til we got our lives “together”, when we had our ducks in a row…we’d never do anything for Jesus. If you’re broken in any way, shape or form, we serve a God who takes the things we’ve been through to help someone else to find their way out. So, get busy watching for people who are going through what you went through. Show them what Jesus can do in their life!

By Melissa Garrison October 26, 2020 Off

Stop doing, Start being

I don’t know about you but it’s much easier for me to justify all the reasons why I’m too busy to sit quietly with the Lord than to just sit in His Presence! We’d rather be “doing” something than “being” still. And sometimes, if we aren’t careful we will try to exchange our time with God for our “doing”. And then we can say to God “See all the things I DO for you God!” God isn’t as interested in our “doing” as much as He is with us just “being” with Him!

By Melissa Garrison October 20, 2020 Off

He Changes Us

It’s not important what we are when Jesus finds us, but it’s very important what we will “be” after He changes us. Every day of our lives, God is changing us into His image. We will find through the years, as we experience rough patches and hills and valleys that seem never to end, we are being refined. And if we allow God to work, we will find ourselves growing in love, kindness, gentleness, patience and self-control. How about you? Can you tell you’re changing? Lord, help us to let You change our lives in every area!

By Melissa Garrison October 19, 2020 Off