Author: Melissa Garrison

Watch your strengths!

”Unguarded strength can become our greatest weakness.” What do you consider your greatest strength? Honesty, Loyalty, Faithfulness to your spouse…whatever it is, know this. We tend to think that the enemy will attack us where we are weakest. Not always. Sometimes he slips in the back door and attacks us where we are “strongest”. Why does that happen? He loves to catch us off guard.

By Melissa Garrison December 8, 2020 Off

Rise Up in the Hall

”Until God opens the doorway, praise Him in the hallway”! Oh the things that can be accomplished in a hallway. Praising before the door opens, before the answer comes, before the healing manifests, before the relationship is restored…you are operating on a “faith level” that says, “God, I may not see You at this exact moment but I KNOW that You and You alone are in charge of my tomorrows and YOU know exactly what I need and when I need it. So God thank You for working behind the scenes while I’m sitting in the hallway! Today, THIS day, God wants me to tell somebody to “Rise up and move to the hallway…your best days are ahead”!

By Melissa Garrison December 7, 2020 Off

Sleep Well

Tonight, when you lay your head on the pillow, that fluttering sound you hear is the gentle rustle of angel wings. God has stationed them around you while you sleep. Slip your hand off the bed and you might just be touching one of those God-sent guardians. Now, He lays us down to sleep in peace, sweet peace.

By Melissa Garrison November 27, 2020 Off

Small Heart

You can’t be a BIG person with a SMALL heart.” A small heart is closed off, stingy, and self- absorbed. The bigger your heart the more you give, love, help, laugh and encourage. What kind of heart do YOU have?

By Melissa Garrison November 19, 2020 Off

Stay or Go

If someone wants you, nothing will keep them away. But if they don’t want you, nothing will make them stay. If we could remember that, we would save ourselves a lot of heartache.

By Melissa Garrison November 18, 2020 Off

Nobody is Perfect

Behind every seemingly perfect person, there’s a mess you can’t see. Hold that thought! We look at other people’s “outsides” and compare them with our “insides”. And we can see our flaws, failures and weaknesses. Believe me when I say, we all have our messes and shortcomings.

By Melissa Garrison November 17, 2020 Off