Author: Melissa Garrison

Surround Yourself

You can’t force anyone to value, respect, understand, or support you, but you CAN choose to spend your time around people who do! Think how much better you’ll feel if you surround yourself with people who will lift you up and push you forward.

By Melissa Garrison March 25, 2021 Off

Enjoy TODAY!

The devil wants you to worry about your future so you can’t enjoy your life right now. Remember that he is a liar! Enjoy every minute of your life because it’s a gift from God…and because it makes the devil mad!

By Melissa Garrison March 22, 2021 Off

Move on!

Trying to make sense of other people’s actions will mentally drain you. Trying to understand why they hurt you only brings sleepless nights. Pray for them and move on.

By Melissa Garrison March 16, 2021 Off

Read the Word

Read God’s Word. The only thing that can keep you stable and settled in these days of uncertainty is the absolute dependability of His Word. Don’t know where to start? Try Psalms, Proverbs, John, Ephesians or James. What’s YOUR favorite book of the Bible?

By Melissa Garrison March 15, 2021 Off

Prayer or Discipline?

Some things don’t need prayer, they need discipline. It’s easier to say I’ll pray about it than to discipline yourself to do what God wants you to do. The bottom line is this: If God already told you what to do, you just need to do it.

By Melissa Garrison March 6, 2021 Off