Author: Melissa Garrison

He Changes You

Have you ever felt like you won’t ever get changed by God? Or feel like God is taking forever and you’re moving one inch at a time. Remember this: When God has the heart, He can always change the behavior.

By Melissa Garrison November 6, 2022 Off

Impatient People

We are such an impatient people. We want what we want when we want it and that includes answers to prayer. The problem is…God knows exactly when and how to answer our prayers and it’s never on our time schedule. Here’s a fact: God is never late.

By Melissa Garrison November 2, 2022 Off


Sometimes your worst enemy is your own memory. Dwelling on the bad things can bring constant feelings of regret, guilt and shame. Dwelling on the good things can sometimes keep us stuck and prevent us from moving forward. God created us to live one day at a time. Stay in the present and enjoy! See insights and ads Boost post

By Melissa Garrison November 1, 2022 Off

Different Person

Oh the storms of life that seem to overwhelm us and at times drag us under. I want you to know that you are not facing that storm on your own. We have a Jesus who is holding our hand. ”And once the storm is over you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain, when you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.”

By Melissa Garrison October 31, 2022 Off

You are Royalty

On our darkest days when we feel inadequate, unloved and unworthy, we need to remember that we are the son or daughter of a King and reach us and straighten our crown! The enemy will always try to steal your position and he is not above trying to knock that crown off your head!! He lies, brings fear and doubt and hammers us with negative feelings. You let him know that you are royalty and then show him what that looks like!

By Melissa Garrison October 29, 2022 Off

First Thought

What is your first thought in the morning? Is it something like “oh, no, it’s Monday” ? Or maybe it sounds like” sure would be a good day to sleep in”? How about start by giving God a great big “thank you?” Just remember, this is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! Changes your outlook for the day.

By Melissa Garrison October 22, 2022 Off