Saved FOR Something
When Jesus Christ came to die for us, we were not only saved FROM something, but we were saved FOR something. Every day, we get out of bed and enter into our mission field. For some of you, your mission field is at home with family and for others…you will find your mission field as you go through the day. No matter where you go, you will find “need”…and you are the one who has been prepared by God to meet it.
Hear His Voice
It’s hard to hear the voice of God when you’ve already decided what you want His voice to say. If you truly want to hear direction from the Lord, you have to lay down your plans and truly want what He wants.
Smooth Seas
”Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors. When a wave comes along, it’s not an obstacle but an opportunity…an opportunity to learn about yourself, an opportunity to prove your strength, an opportunity to develop new skills.”
Walls and Boundaries
Walls keep everybody out. Boundaries let people know what behavior is acceptable in order to enter your territory. You are teaching people where the door is!
People Steal!
If you let the wrong people in your house, stuff will come up missing like: Joy, Peace, Love, Hope, Faith…Yes, people steal these things with their drama and negative attitudes.
Carry Your Own Stuff
Stop carrying the weight of other people’s expectations and judgments. They don’t belong to you! You were created to carry joy, peace and love…one causes nothing but pain and sleepless nights. The other will always take you to a place of rest. You choose!