Be Happy for Others
Until it’s our turn, we need to keep clapping for others! Envy and jealousy have no place in our lives. Let’s be happy for others when something good happens and know that one day it will be our turn to shine!
It’s Your Calling
No one is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn’t a conference call. So don’t get upset when people question what God spoke to you or try to talk you out of it. You know it was God and that’s all that matters.
Truth or Lie
Truth doesn’t mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged. You can tell by people’s response whether it’s truth or a lie. Pay attention!
Sit in the Right Place
When you sit, sit with those who sit at the feet of Jesus. You will walk away feeling inspired, not inferior, because those are the people who know this Christian walk is a race, not a competition. Everybody needs good Christian people in their lives.
No Standing Still
Don’t be afraid of going slow, be afraid of standing still! There’s work to be done in God’s kingdom…prayers to be prayed, people to encourage, and people to introduce to Jesus. So get excited and get moving!
Re-Shape me!
God doesn’t give us the people we want. He gives us the people we need. He knows how those relationships will turn out, both good and bad, so why does He let us go through those things? It’s important to remember that every situation we go through is re-shaping us into the image of God.